Tuesday, May 27, 2014 @2:23 AM
| 2:23 AM | 0 comments

Allahu Akhbar
it brought tears to my eyes.
i found my abah's blog.
i just can't help it.

the entry was in 2009 and i finally read it today.
in year 2014

betapa sebenarnya abah rindu anak anak dia.
betapa sebenarnya abah spill banyak benda tentang kami kat blog abah.
betapa i feel like i am the 'tanggangwati' dulu
mungkin sebab teringat  how i behave at school time tu.
bukan belajar sangat pon.
alahai muda mudi remaja berjiwa merdeka konon.

maybe it's my turn to make him proud.
maybe i should study more and more after this.
then tak rasa macam anak yang hampakan mak bapak sangat kot? 

maybe i should be more serious in my life.
maybe i should listen to every words that he said
maybe i should just be a good daughter to them
maybe i should just spend more time with them

maybe i just have to be stronger
sebab i have to galas one big thing on my shoulder SERIOUSLY from now on

jaga maruah ummi abah
jaga maruah diri
ingat senang ke nak besarkan anak perempuan.

and the most important thing
jaga agama.
no matter what,

ps : rindu abah bila hujung minggu je dapat jumpa ni.hmm cepatlah ummi dapat surat pindah melaka
tak sampai hati tengok abah ulang alik melaka-negeri sembilan macam ni
as he's not that young anymore. Half a decade already.
Semoga Abah dalam kesejahteraan dan lindungan Allah sentiasa . amin. 

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And He found you lost , and guided you [93:7]
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