Monday, May 26, 2014 @6:32 PM
| 6:32 PM | 0 comments

You know that the game was so so good when you're on the edge of your seat
and of the verge of grabbing beta-blockers and anti-emetics.
To the National Badminton Team of Malaysia, all of you are winners in my book.
I am proud of you.
We, Malaysians are proud of you.
And thank you for bringing us all Malaysians together.
To my fellow citizens, remember this moment
Unity regardless of differences, is not impossible

Hlovate always make my day with all the inspirational words.
I don't know if it's not that 'inspirational' for others
but of course for me, it just so wonderful.

I am quite certain that i wanna grab one or two Hlovate's books after this. haihh
*Oh this kind of feeling , tak boleh nak tepis langsung*

*tiba tiba terasa di'smashed' terus ke hati.Eh?*

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And He found you lost , and guided you [93:7]
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