Monday, August 11, 2014 @7:18 PM
| 7:18 PM | 0 comments

banyak benda nak cakap . tapi bila sampai je dapan blank page ni. kosong. i don't know how to start , where to start. it's like no words can describe what i feel. hujan lebat pon ibarat tahu apa yang aku rasa. again, those words are in my mind. torturing me .it's hard to feel nothing when i did feel something. even when i close my eyes , i can hear the beating of my heart . Beating but still , blank. two different situations. my mind can explode because of a lot of things remain unsaid but my heart doesn't give any hint at all. its like torturing me from the inside. it's like a way to kill me without weapon. sharing what i think for me is like a way to show that i'm free from my own secrets but when i don't even know what to share when there is like a lot of things that matters , its become like , ------------. nothing. empty. alone.i felt like crying but nothing came out.it was just a sort of sad sickness, sick sad, when you can't feel any worse. i think everybody knows it now and then, but i think i have known it pretty often, too often.maybe. i'm woman , after all. full of feelings that are indescribable. 

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And He found you lost , and guided you [93:7]
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