Friday, August 15, 2014 @2:43 AM
| 2:43 AM | 0 comments

done reading Cooper-k
and its not just a novel

as i told before, , no other things can touch me to the core of my heart, the way words did.
reading is like a remedy for me.
a cure.
a very effective one

and you know how good the book are , when you cant even predict what will happen next. and thats what make me stay at my place for hours. it's not just about the story itself, its about the feeling that attached me to the story. that kind of 'rasa' yang you just can get it when you are not the doer.

when you are just an observer. you know about everything. you saw all the misunderstanding from the beginning. and you keep thinking of doing it the right way with your own way.

the feeling of knowing that you're right.

as in our everyday life , we always thinking the best way to make things right. we want perfection in everything we do. and we keep doing it the wrong way as we are blinded by our emotions and the desire to be perfect. and we end up hurting, as we tried so hard and it turn out to be not like what we imagine. perfection .

it's not like craving for perfection is a crime after all. no , it's not.

and the good thing of being an observer is you know where the problems starts , you know you shouldn't do certain things , you know how important to be rational all the time , you know how bad some decisions can be , you know how to live the life  better way.

yes, you learn how to live.how to survive.how to handle things the right way
from those pages written by strangers.
and it feels real.
and sometimes , it does reflects mine.

you can't run from your fate after all. have faith in Him.

i don't want to admit it.but, it is true.
that my life are way better with all those strangers' opinion towards life.
except the happy ending it always be.

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And He found you lost , and guided you [93:7]
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