Friday, May 15, 2015 @11:35 AM
| 11:35 AM | 0 comments

its been a tough week. a lot of crying and over-emo feelings. i cant stand it anymore. i have my own limit. and this is just too much for me. i cant bear it anymore.

I hate myself who can pretend to be this strong for this long. I hate that everybody expect me to become this strong , when i am not. I hate that I cant bear it anymore. Cause at one time , i was fooled with others' perception, that im strong. So that one time when i feel that im strong , then comes a matter that proved that im not . And it hurts like hell , to make others know that im failing , like really failing to the ground. and it hurts more when i have to stand and accept the facts that , yes farhana. you are failing.

good job farhana for still smiling.
im done with all the fake of me.
im so done. im so tired.

i wish i could be stronger

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And He found you lost , and guided you [93:7]
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