Friday, November 20, 2015 @5:01 PM
| 5:01 PM | 0 comments

Even Prophet Muhammad PBUH grieved the loss of loved ones. Allah loves them more, and He loves us too, for the test only given to them who can face it strongly 

20 November 2015
Al Fatihah untuk Wak Wo
Another person come back to the Creator.

This year has been like the year of kehilangan' for me.
I mean for the loved one.
For Abah and ummi , for the family.
I mean ,its  tokman, mak ngah, ayah acim, wakwo.

Abah must be so strong.
Until one point that I think  IF I can replace his place to cry out loud,
I will.

when I am busy growing up, 
I forget that they are also growing old.

and who knows when our own time will come?

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And He found you lost , and guided you [93:7]
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